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Showing posts from July, 2018

Apple Pay is coming to eBay.

As the online marketplace moves away from its official relationship with PayPal, it is moving into new relationships with new providers. As of this fall, Apple Pay will be one of the first new options on its new payment platform, making it possible for customers to either use Apple Pay in eBay’s mobile app, or for web purchases (provided they are using Safari as Apple Pay doesn’t work with Chrome or other browsers). The Apple Pay option will roll out slowly at first — only a small group of select Marketplace customers will get to use Apple Pay in the first phase of its introduction to eBay. The goal, however, is to make the transition to their own in-house payment platform by the end of 2021. The transition marks a definitive split from PayPal. eBay formally parted ways with PayPal in 2015, when it spun out as a stand-alone firm. eBay — as their contractually mandated partnership with PayPal is drawing to a close — is now working with Amsterdam-based company Adyen to

Western Union Integrates With ecoPayz Platform

Western Union announced on Tuesday (July 24) that ecoAccount digital wallet holders can now send Western Union international or domestic money transfers from the U.K. In a press release, the company said the capability was made possible by the integration of Western Union’s money movement functionalities within the ecoPayz platform. “Western Union is integrating our core business functionalities with third parties and their platforms to unlock new growth,” said Odilon Almeida, Western Union president of global money transfers, in a press release. “Our scale and omnichannel money transfer capability make it easy to integrate digital or cash money movement in today’s evolving digital financial ecosystem, allowing a greater universe of customers to be included, regardless of their digital or cash preferences.” Citing the World Retail Banking Report, Western Union noted that close to one-third of banking customers are using products and services from non-traditional firms. Acco

Which wallets work for a BitPay payment? Which wallets are compatible?

Need help paying a BitPay invoice? Don't know how to pay to a payment URL? Check out our payment guide. BitPay invoices only work with wallets that are updated to work with Payment Protocol. Payment Protocol makes sure the Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash you send is exactly the right amount. It also makes sure you include a high enough miner fee for the Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash network to confirm your transaction. With Payment Protocol, you don’t need to worry about failed payments, delayed orders, or dealing with refunds. Payment Protocol also adds new security to payments, protecting you from sending payments to imposters or attackers. Learn more about why BitPay chose Payment Protocol wallets for payments. Payment Protocol Compatible Wallets Don't have one of these wallets yet? All of these compatible wallets are free to use. Just create a wallet (please use the current release version) and send some Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash to it. Bitcoin (BTC) Wallets You

Investments, Blockchain Dominate Payments Infrastructure Headlines

If dog days of summer are upon us, payments infrastructure deals and initiatives show little torpor from the heat. To that end, PPRO Group, based in the United Kingdom and operating as a cross-border ePayments firm, said in the beginning of the week that it had received a $50 million in an investment round led by PayPal. In its own release, PayPal stated it had been joined by firms, including returning investor HPE Growth Capital and Citi Ventures, in that funding round. PPRO, for its part, stated that it will use the money to expand its payments platform, including the international presence of its alternative payments-acquiring operations. PayPal said the funding comes on the heels of an agreement with PPRO that will provide a range of payment options for PayPal’s merchant roster, which in turn expands the choices consumers have when making their payments across borders. PayPal and PPRO said the investment is expected to close in the third quarter of this year. Citi stat

Easy Come, Easy ICO Go? For Investors, Easy Come … For Now

When it comes to initial coin offerings (ICOs), the saying “here today, gone tomorrow” seems to apply, with the lifespan – from token sale to flameout – roughly that of a quickie marriage consummated in Vegas. But business models be darned – or be sketchy or be absent. Get in early enough on the ground floor, and the returns? To quote an old Seinfeld episode: They’re real and they’re spectacular. To which we might add: And built on a shaky foundation? Timing seems to be everything with ICOs, as with so much else in life. In research that debuted earlier this month, findings from Boston College show that more than 4,000 ICOs – or, to be more specific, ICOs that had projects attached to them – have raised more than $12 billion to date. Ah, but the timing, again: In tandem with that eye-popping dollar amount, more than half of those ICOs are gone just like that, as they fail, disappear, shut their doors within four months after the token sales are completed. “

What should be included in the terms and conditions of an online shop?

When you run an online shop, you need to provide your customers with terms and conditions of service. This document lists the rules your website abides to and is used for legal purposes. ToS requirements for physical goods sellers A comprehensive terms of service agreement of an online shop that mail orders its products should include the following information: First name and last name (for natural persons), or name (for companies and other entities) along with an address, under which the business is registered (for companies, a registry number is also needed) If a permit or entry in the Regulated Activity Register is needed to sell merchandise via internet shops – it must be mentioned which administrative authority issued the permit, along with the number of the registration. Information about the available payment methods for the order (credit card, debit card, transfer, etc). The price, date, and means of delivery of the ordered good (interchangeably: they c

Why bother with online payment services?

if you're like many small organizations, you collect payments mainly through cash or checks. While this might be working for you at the moment, adding online payments provides a number of advantages to you and your supporters. Meet expectations People are increasingly comfortable paying online. When members or supporters are ready to sign up, register for an event, or make a donation, they want to do it quickly and easily. In fact, websites that don’t support online payment can be seen as being out of step. Speed up the process Online payments are faster than manual payments, since you don’t have to wait for the check to arrive or for it to clear. The whole process – from submitting an online payment to updating your bank account – can take a matter of seconds. The end result is improved cash flow for your organization, and almost immediate confirmation of transactions. Prospective members won’t have to wait to join your organization, and participants will know right

4 Trending Digital Payment Methods: Is Your Business Ready For Them?

Businesses and consumers alike are interested in faster, safer, and more convenient payment methods. Are you ready to go digital?   Demographics across the world are shifting. Millennials are now the most diverse and prominent generation in the US population.   As a generation heavily influenced by technology, their buying habits and expectations are all formed via the immediacy that smartphones, Internet, and modern conveniences engender.   Businesses and consumers alike are interested in faster, safer, and more convenient payment methods, as cash is becoming obsolete and credit cards are being phased out. Mobile and social payment options could be the future of millennial-driven purchasing, creating the sort of instant gratification that millennials expect.   Here are a few trending digital payment methods that Millennials will prefer to use in the coming year.     1. Mobile In-Store Payments & Apps The development and usag

How can recurring payments improve your e-business?

If you're offering services based on cyclical payments, then recurring payments (also known subscription payments) will help you work and not worry about forgetting sending your customers a payment notice. Recurring payments come in handy if your business requires subscription fees for the content of a news site or there is a membership fee. Subscription payments are also useful in completing simple payments like power and water bill. What are subscription/recurring payments? In short, subscription payments are what happens when a certain amount of money is automatically withdrawn from card or from a client's account, this usually happens in a periodical manner. In practice we can outline three types of recurring payments. Standing Order This is a payment where a fixed amount of money is withdrawn from a client's bank account in fixed time periods. This mechanism works well for example, when paying bills online or in case of membership fees. Constant orders a


Have you ever purchased something using your mobile phone or tablet? If not, you will surely do so in the near future. Mobile Payment is about to reach its tipping point of rapid growth, just like what mobile internet usage had a little while back. For merchants who run online platforms and e-commerce shops, allowing customers to pay from the mobile is no longer a “nice to have” but has now become an essential part of the business. Regardless whether you run an e-commerce shop or any other online platform, it is very clear that your customers expect to have a reasonable and pleasant user experience on their mobile platforms (smartphones, tablets etc). However, today more than ever, customers also expect to maximize its use and be able to complete payment transactions via their mobile devices; and this is where Mobile Payment kicks in. We gathered the top things you need to know about Mobile Payment. You might as well consider this as your “Mobile Payment for Dummie

The 15 Most Popular Online Payment Solutions

The 15 Most Popular Online Payment Solutions There’s no denying that when it comes to accepting and receiving payments, PayPal is the reigning champion. In fact, it’s the de facto online payment solution for online customers, freelancers, and business owners. While people tend to love PayPal for a variety of reasons, technology has opened the door for a number of competitors to challenge PayPal by offering cheaper frees, faster transactions, and enhanced security. Here are 15 of those alternatives. 1. Due Accept Payments Online And On Mobile Due made a name for itself through its innovative time-tracking and invoicing tools, which are especially useful for freelancers and small business owners. More recently, Due has allowed users to start accepting secure online payments for just a 2.7 percent transaction rate. Due also accepts global payments, which typically occur within two business days, as well as a digital wallet to send or receive money to anyone in the w